

typedef struct MPISynqNetPacketCfgCapture {
    int32_t                          count;
    MPISynqNetResourceCaptureDepth depth[MPISynqNetMaxMotorCAPTURE_COUNT];
}  MPISynqNetPacketCfgCapture;


Required Header: stdmpi.h
Change History: Added in 04.00.


MPISynqNetPacketCfgCapture specifies the network packet configuration for all the Captures on a particular motor. Only configurable packet data is represented in this structure.

count Number of capture engines per motor.  Each capture engine requires cyclic packet data for the status fields.
depth An array of enumerated values representing the capture data depth. Each capture engine can support up to 16 register fields for buffered capture data. The length of the array is specified by the count.

See Also

MPISynqNetPacketCfg | mpiSynqNetResourceCaptureDepth | mpiSynqNetPacketConfigGet | mpiSynqNetPacketConfigSet