MPI 04.00 Reference >> mpiMotion



MPI_RESULT mpiMotionVelocityJerkMove(MPIMotion                         motion,
                                     double                            velocity,
                                     double                            acceleration,
                                     double                            jerk,
                                     MPIMotionVelocityAttrMask          mask,
                                     const MPIMotionVelocityAttributes  *attributes);


Required Header: stdmpi.h
Change History: Added in 04.00.


mpiMotionVelocityJerkMove begins a velocity move.

motion The Motion object to use.
velocity The target velocity.
acceleration The maximum acceleration.
jerk jerk The maximum rate of change of acceleration
mask A bit-mask composed of MPIMotionVelocityAttrMasks ORed together. Each bit set enables the corresponding attribute.
attributes A pointer to additional data needed for certain mask values.