

typedef enum MPIGeometricPathElementAttrMask {
	MPIGeometricPathElementAttrMaskNONE      = 0,
	MPIGeometricPathElementAttrMaskID        = 1 << 0,
	MPIGeometricPathElementAttrMaskVELOCITY  = 1 << 1,
	MPIGeometricPathElementAttrMaskACCEL     = 1 << 2,
	MPIGeometricPathElementAttrMaskTIMESLICE = 1 << 3,
   	MPIGeometricPathElementAttrMaskRADIUS_TOLERANCE = 1 << 4,
} MPIGeometricPathElementAttrMask;


In MPIGeometricPathElementAttrMask, the path attribute masks are used to enable features with mpiGeometricPathAppend(...). The masks should be ORed and passed into mpiGeometricPathAppend(…).

MPIGeometricPathElementAttrMaskID This mask enables an identification tag to be stored in the path. Each element can have a unique identification. Please see MPIGeometricPathElementAttributes data type documentation for more information.
MPIGeometricPathElementAttrMaskVELOCITY This mask enables a path velocity to be specified for each element. Please see MPIGeometricPathElementAttributes data type documentation for more information.
MPIGeometricPathElementAttrMaskACCEL This mask enables a path acceleration to be specified for each element. Please see MPIGeometricPathElementAttributes data type documentation for more information.
MPIGeometricPathElementAttrMaskTIMESLICE This mask enables a path time slice to be specified for each element. Please see MPIGeometricPathElementAttributes data type documentation for more information.
MPIGeometricPathElementAttrMaskRADIUS_TOLERANCE This mask enables checking of the starting and ending radii for arc endpoint motion. Please see MPIGeometricPathElementAttributes data type documentation for more information.

See Also

MPIGeometricPathElementType | mpiGeometricPathAppend