

typedef struct MPIControlFlashFileStatus {
     char		*filenameBuffer;
     size_t	filenameBufferSize;
} MPIControlFlashFileStatus;


Required Header: stdmpi.h
Change History: Added in 04.00.


MPIControlFlashFileStatus holds the result status information for an individual file when loading new firmware images onto the controller. It also specifies where the function mpiControlFlashLoadFromFile is to write the name of the file that is being loaded onto the controller.

filenameBuffer A pointer to the location where the filename is written.
If file is NULL, then the filename is not saved.
filenameBufferSize The size of the user-supplied buffer to write the filename.

Sample Code

  MPIControlFlashFilesStatus	filesStatus;
  char				binFilename[512];
  char				FPGAFilename[512];

  filesStatus.binFile.filenameBuffer = binFilename;
  filesStatus.binFile.filenameBufferSize = sizeof(binFilename);

  filesStatus.FPGAFile.filenameBuffer = FPGAFilename;
  filesStatus.FPGAFile.filenameBufferSize = sizeof(FPGAFilename);

See Also
