

typedef enum MPISynqNetState {
  MPISynqNetStateINVALID = -1,


  MPISynqNetStateFIRST = MPISynqNetStateINVALID + 1
} MPISynqNetState;


MPISynqNetState is an enumeration of the SynqNet network states. Each state shows the present operation mode for the network. Network data traffic occurs in two modes: asynchronous and synchronous.

During asynchronous communication, the MPI or controller sends one packet to one node and the node responds with one packet. There are no timing restrictions. Asynchronous communication is used during network initialization, reset, discovery, and node binary download.

During synchronous communication, the controller sends packets to the nodes and the nodes respond with packets. All data traffic is scheduled in fixed timeslots to avoid collisions. Packet data updates are cyclic and synchronized to the controller's sample rate. The network state can be read with mpiSynqNetStatus(...).

MPISynqNetStateDISCOVERY This is the initial state before the network is initialized. During this phase, the controller checks the network integrity, determines the network topology, resets the nodes, identifies, initializes, and addresses the nodes. Data packets are sent/received asynchronously.
MPISynqNetStateASYNQ This state is used for off-line operations, like node binary download. Data packets are sent/received asynchronously.
MPISynqNetStateSYNQ This is the normal operating state. Data packets are sent/received synchronously.
MPISynqNetStateSYNQ_RECOVERING During this state, a network fault condition was detected and the network is being reconfigured to route data packets around the fault. After the reconfiguration is complete and the packet error rate counters have decremented to zero, the network will return to the SYNQ state.

See Also

MPISynqNetStatus | mpiSynqNetStatus