

typedef struct MPISynqNetPacketCfgCapture {
    MPISynqNetResourceCaptureModuleCount   moduleCount;
    MPISynqNetPacketCfgCaptureModule       module[MPISynqNetResourceCaptureModuleCountMAX];
} MPISynqNetPacketCfgCapture;


Required Header: stdmpi.h
Change History: Added in 04.00.


MPISynqNetPacketCfgCapture is a structure containing the number of capture modules, the number of capture engines per module, and buffer depths for each engine. A capture module represents an array of hardware capture engine logic blocks in the SynqNet node hardware. The number of capture modules per node and capture engines per module supported by the hardware is dependent on the size of FPGA resources. For details, please consult the SynqNet FPGA feature table.

moduleCount The number of capture modules per node
module[ ] An array containing the capture engine count and buffer depth for each capture engine