

typedef struct MPISynqNetConfig {
    MPISynqNetRecoveryMode   recoveryMode;
    MPISynqNetCableLength    cableLength[MPISynqNetCableHOP_COUNT];
} MPISynqNetConfig;


MPISynqNetConfig contains configurations for the network's fault recovery mode and the network's cable lengths. The SynqNet configuration can be read with mpiSynqNetConfigGet(...) and can be written with mpiSynqNetConfigSet(...).

recoveryMode A enumerated value representing the network's fault recovery response mode.
cableLength An array of cable lengths with a range of 0 to 100 meters.

This structure is provided to allow the user application to specify minimum, maximum, and nominal values to use network scheduling equations. Setting a minimum and maximum value enables cable length checking at network initialization time. If measured cable lengths fall outside the range defined by the minimum and maximum values, network initialization will fail with a return value of MPISynqNetMessageCABLE_LENGTH_MISMATCH.

Note: By default, the values in this structure are zero. Most applications do not require modification to these defaults.

See Also

mpiSynqNetConfigGet | mpiSynqNetConfigSet | mpiSynqNetInfo | Cable Length