

   mpiRecorderEventNotifyGet(MPIRecorder            recorder,
                             MPIEventMask           *eventMask,
                             MPIEventNotifyData     *eventNotifyData);


Required Header: stdmpi.h


mpiRecorderEventNotifyGet writes the event mask into the structure pointed to by eventMask, and also writes the event notification structure (that specifies the event message controller addresses) to the location pointed to by eventNotifyData . (The event mask specifies the event type(s) generated by a Recorder (recorder), for which host notification has been requested.)

If recorder is set to record continuously in mpiRecorderStart, and bufferWrap is set to TRUE in MPIRecorderConfig, only MPIEventTypeRECORDER_FULL will be generated. Recorder events MPIEventTypeRECORDER_FULL and MPIEventTypeRECORDER_DONE will not be generated.

recorder A handle to a Recorder object
*eventMask A pointer to an event mask, whose bits are defined by the MPIEventType enumeration
*eventNotifyData A pointer to an event notification data structure, containing a list of controller addresses. The event data specified by the addresses is copied into the event message by the controller.
Return Values

See Also

MPIEventNotifyData | mpiRecorderEventNotifySet