

typedef struct MPIMotionCam {
  long			pointCount;
  const double	**slavePosition;
  const double	*masterDistance;
  const double	**gearRatio;	/* This field is only used with MPIMotionTypeCUBIC_CAM. */
} MPIMotionCam;
Change History: Modified in the 03.04.00


MPIMotionCam contains the cam segments for a linear or cubic interpolated cam move.

pointCount This field defines the type of master position source that is being used.
**slavePosition This field defines the distance that each slave axis will move during each segment of the cam.
*masterDistance An array containing pointCount number of elements. Each element is the distance the master axis will move during each segment of the cam.
**gearRatio This field is only used with cubic cams, with linear cams this field is completely ignored and can be either be set to zero or not initialised.This field defines the gear ratio (first derivative of the slave position with respect to the master position) to the cam at each of the transitions between cam segments. The initial gear ration is assumed to be zero.

See Also