

typedef struct MPIGeometricPathParams {
    int32_t                     dimension;
    MPIGeometricPathPoint    start;
    double                   velocity;
    double                   acceleration;
    double                   eceleration;
    MPIMotionType            interpolation;
    double                   timeSlice;
    double                   conversion [MPIGeometricPathPointDIMENSION_MAX][MPIGeometricPathPointDIMENSION_MAX];
} MPIGeometricPathParams;


dimension This value defines the number of axes to coordinate. Please see MPIGeometricPathPoint data type documentation for more information.
start This structure defines the initial point for the path.
velocity This value defines the speed along the path. The units are in counts per second.
acceleration This value defines the rate of change of speed to reach the velocity along the path. The units are in counts per second * second.
deceleration This value defines the rate of change of speed to reach zero velocity along the path. The units are in counts per second * second.
interpolation This value specifies the motion algorithm to generate the path. Please see MPIMotionType data type documentation for more information.
timeSlice This value specifies the amount of time between points. The units are in seconds. Smaller timeSlice values will improve the path accuracy, but increase the number of points to calculate and buffer.
conversion This value is an N x N matrix (where N is the number of dimensions in the path motion) that scales and rotates the axes used in the path motion. This is useful when using two axes with different resolutions for each axis.For two axes with different resolution:
Set conversion[0][0] to (desired x resolution / actual x resolution)
Set conversion [1][1] to (desired y resolution / actual y resolution)
Set conversion[0][1] and conversion[1][0] = 0For a coordinate rotation, where alpha is the rotation of the coordinate system:
Set conversion[0][0] and conversion [1][1] = cos(alpha)
Set conversion[0][1] = sin(alpha)
Set conversion[1][0] = -sin(alpha)

See Also

mpiGeometricPathParamsGet | mpiGeometricPathParmsSet | MPIGeometricPathPointDIMENSION_MAX