

typedef struct MPIGeometricPathElement {
        MPIGeometricPathElementType   type;
        union {
                 MPIGeometricPathArc          arc;
                 MPIGeometricPathArcCenter    arcCenter;
                 MPIGeometricPathArcEndPoint  arcEndPoint;
                 MPIGeometricPathLine         line;
        } params;
} MPIGeometricPathElement;

Required Header: stdmpi.h

Change History: Modified in 04.00.


type This value defines the type of path element. Please see MPIGeometricPathElementType data type documentation for more information.
arc This structure defines the arc's start angle, included angle, and radius. This structure is used when the type is MPIGeometricPathElementTypeARC. Please see MPIGeometricPathArc data type documentation for more information.
arcCenter This structure defines the arc's center and angle. This structure is used when the type is MPIGeometricPathElementTypeARC_CENTER. Please see MPIGeometricPathArcCenter data type documentation for more information.
arcEndPoint This structure defines the arc's center, end point, and direction. This structure is used when the type is MPIGeometricPathElementTypeARC_END_POINT. Please see MPIGeometricPathArcEndPoint data type documentation for more information.
line This structure defines the coordinates for a linear element. This structure is used when the type is MPIGeometricPathElementTypeLINE. Please see MPIGeometricPathLine data type documentation for more information.

See Also
