

typedef enum {
  MPIFilterSwitchTypeINVALID		= -1,


  MPIFilterSwitchTypeFIRST		= MPIFilterSwitchTypeINVALID + 1
} MPIFilterSwitchType;

Required Header: filter.h


MPIFilterSwitchType is an enumeration for gain scheduling that determines the gain scheduling mode. Only MPIFilterSwitchTypeNONE and MPIFilterSwitchTypeMOTION_ONLY are available in standard firmware types.

Gain Scheduling is a feature that switches filter gains for the acceleration, deceleration, constant velocity, and idle states of motion. The post filters are not affected by gain scheduling. Standard algorithms are used with gain scheduling (PID, PIV). To change the gain scheduling type from none (uses only the gains in gain table index 0), use MPIFilterConfig. GainSwitchType is set with mpiFilterConfigSet(...).

When setting filter gain parameters using mpiFilterGainGet(...) and mpiFilterGainSet(...), use the gain index value to write to a gain index of your choosing.

MPIFilterSwitchTypeNONE Default value in factory default firmware. This mode uses mpiFilterGainIndexSet() and mpiFilterGainIndexGet() to manipulate the gain index manually, if desired.
MPIFilterSwitchTypeMOTION_ONLY Switch gains based on controller's switching algorithm.

MPIFilterGainIndex (go to MPIFilterGainIndex)

MPIFilterGainIndexNO_MOTION When command velocity = 0
MPIFilterGainIndexACCEL When command acceleration > 0
MPIFilterGainIndexDECEL When command acceleration < 0
MPIFilterGainIndexVELOCITY When command velocity > 0 and command acceleration = 0 The firmware automatically takes care of this switching. Be aware when checking the gain index, that the firmware can change the gain index in real time.


Gain Scheduling is a feature that switches filter gains for the acceleration, deceleration, constant velocity, and idle states of motion. The post filters are not affected by gain scheduling. Standard algorithms are used with gain scheduling (PID, PIV). To change the gain scheduling type from NONE (uses only the gains in gain table index 0), use MPIFilterConfig.GainSwitchType, which is set with mpiFilterConfigSet(...).

Use mpiFilterConfigSet(...) to change MPIFilterConfig.GainSwitchType to one of the MPIFilterSwitchType enumerations to change the gain scheduling mode.

See Also

MPIFilterConfig | mpiFilterConfigGet | mpiFilterConfigSet | MPIFilterGainIndex | mpiFilterGainIndexSet | mpiFilterGainIndexGet | mpiFilterGainGet | mpiFilterGainSet