

typedef enum {
	MPIFilterIntegratorResetConfigINVALID	= -1,

MPIFilterIntegratorResetConfigDISABLED = (int)0x0, MPIFilterIntegratorResetConfigENABLED = (int)0x1,
MPIFilterIntegratorResetConfigEND, MPIFilterIntegratorResetConfigFIRST = MPIFilterIntegratorResetConfigINVALID + 1 } MPIFilterIntegratorResetConfig;


Required Header: filter.h

Change History: Added in 04.00.


MPIFilterIntegratorResetConfig specifies the mode (enabled or disabled) for the reset integrator feature. This value is for legacy analog controllers and is not available for SynqNet controllers. This feature requires custom firmware; it is NOT available in standard firmware. This does not affect mpiFilterIntegratorReset(…) in any way.

MPIFilterIntegratorResetConfigDISABLED Disable the integrator reset feature.
MPIFilterIntegratorResetConfigENABLED Enable the integrator reset feature.

See Also

MPIFilterConfig | Servo Tuning