

int32_t  mpiControlRecorderStatus(MPIControl          control,
int32_t recorderNumber, MPIRecorderStatus *status);

Required Header: stdmpi.h
Change History: Added in the 03.03.00


mpiControlRecorderStatus allows the recorder status to be read without actually creating a recorder object.

This is useful to help determine whether or not a recorder is abandoned. An abandoned recorder will usually not be running, yet will still be reserved. Another hint that a recorder is abandoned, is an enabled recorder that is full. This sort of behavior is what happens when a program crashes that has a recorder operating.

control a handle to the Control object.
recorderNumber the index of the recorder object.
*status a pointer to the recorder's status structure.
Return Values
MPIMessageARG_INVALID If recorderNumber is less than 0, greater than MPIRecorderRECORDERS_MAX, or if *status == NULL.

See Also

mpiControlRecorderCancel | mpiRecorderDelete | mpiRecorderCreate | recorderinuse.c