typedef enum { MPICaptureModeINVALID = -1,
MPICaptureModeEND, MPICaptureModeFIRST = MPICaptureModeINVALID +1, MPICaptureModeCOUNT = MPICaptureModeFIRST - MPICaptureModeEND } MPICaptureMode;
Required Header: capture.h
Change History: Added in 04.00.
MPICaptureMode is used in the MPICaptureConfig structure and enumerates the Capture mode.
Note: Single-shot and auto-arm modes can not run simultaneously unlike the 03.xx series of
the MPI and FPGAs, where the capture and probe features can run at the same time.
MPICaptureModeINVALID | Invalid capture mode. |
MPICaptureModeAUTO_ARM | Auto-Arm capture mode. The capture engine is automatically rearmed after a position or time value is captured. |
MPICaptureModeSINGLE_SHOT | In single-shot mode, a single time or position is captured. The capure engine must be cleared and re-armed to capture again. |