

typedef struct MPIAxisBacklashCompensation {
   double width;             /* in counts */
   double rate;              /* in counts/second */
   double hysteresisLimit;   /* in counts (position mode), or samples (time mode) */
} MPIAxisBacklashCompensation;

Required Header: axis.h

Change History: Added in 04.00.


MPIAxisBacklashCompensation structure contains the configurations for an axis to compensate for poor mechanical systems that have significant backlash between the end effector and the feedback device.

width Used to set the backlash width. This is the total number of counts (centered at 0) that is added/subtracted by the compensator.
rate The rate in counts/second at which the backlash compensator adds/subtracts counts.
hysteresisLimit The number of samples that must pass while the command velocity has a constant sign before backlash compensation is applied. A hysteresisLimit of 0 means that backlash compensation will be applied whenever there is a sign change.

See Also

mpiAxisConfigGet | mpiAxisConfigSet