
MPI Release Types

Software Life Cycle Policy | MPI Release Types | MPI Version Numbering |
General Example | Branch Example

During a general software development cycle, there are several release types with varying maturity levels. A typical cycle begins with several internal development builds, followed by an Alpha, Beta, and finally a fully tested Production release. If bugs are found in the Production release, Patch releases are issued to fix problems.

Some OEMs may have special features or schedule requirements that do not fit into a general software development cycle. To meet these requirements, MEI can make a Branch release from an existing Production or Patch release. This makes it possible to add one or more features quickly, while keeping risk low. To qualify for a Branch release, certain volume/price requirements must be met. Contact MEI Sales for details.

New feature devlopment Minimal testing, may have major defects MEI Only
Early feeedback for new features Feature complete and relatively stable Must be qualified by Engineering
Feedback and testing by Beta Program members Stable, but may have minor bugs
General introduction of new features Fully tested Any customer, partner, or VAR
Fix bugs in an existing Production Release Field issues resolved Any customer, partner, or VAR


Add features to an existing Production or Patch release for a specific customer Release specific. Dependent on scope of new features Must be qualified by Sales and Engineering

Internal release available for MEI purposes only.

The release is feature complete and relatively stable. It is not completely tested and could have major functional or design defects. Alpha releases are given to select customers early in the debug/test phase for feedback. Bug fixes are not provided unless they prevent evaluation. Alpha releases are not supported or maintained.

The release is stable, but may have minor bugs. Testing is still in progress. Beta releases are given to customers and partners late in the debug/test phase for field test and feedback. Bug fixes are not provided. Beta releases are not supported or maintained.

A general release containing new features. The release has been fully tested, approved by Software Quality Assurance, and the support site (http://support.motioneng.com) has been updated. Production releases are supported and maintained with periodic Patch releases when necessary.

A release that contains one or more bug fixes or enhancements. No major new features are implemented in Patch releases. Typically built for a Production release. If there is a critical bug, it can be built for a Branch.

A release that contains one or more features added to a previous Production or Patch release. A Branch is a customer specific development. The feature requirements, deliverables, and schedule are determined between MEI Engineering and the customer. A Branch development cycle may or may not have Alpha and/or Beta Branch releases. The testing and relative maturity depends on the scope of the new features and/or changes. If bugs are found in the field, a Patch release can be built for a Branch.

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