


#define MEISqNodeSegmentInfoSERIAL_NUMBER_LENGTH 0x20
#define MEISqNodeSegmentInfoMODEL_NAME_LENGTH 0x20
#define MEISqNodeSegmentInfoMANUFACTURER_LENGTH 0x10
typedef struct MEISqNodeSegmentInfo {
   long  id;
   long  option;
   char  serialNumber[MEISqNodeSegmentInfoSERIAL_NUMBER_LENGTH];
   char  modelName[MEISqNodeSegmentInfoMODEL_NAME_LENGTH];
   long  digitalInCount;
   long  digitalOutCount;
   long  analogInCount;
   long  analogOutCount;
   long  version;
   long  paramCount;
   long  memoryCount;
   char  manufacturerData[MEISqNodeManufacturerDATA_CHAR_MAX];
} MEISqNodeSegmentInfo;
Change History: Added  in the 03.02.00


MEISqNodeSegmentInfo contains data about the I/O that is supported by a segment (slice or module) attached to a SynqNet node.


This field contains a 32-bit number that uniquely identifies this kind of segment.
For modules attached to a SQID node, the top 16 bits are the manufacturer code and the bottom 16 bits are to product code.


The option code for the segment.
For slices attached to a Slice network adaptor this field is always zero.

serialNumber The serial number of this segment.
: Slice-I/O nodes do NOT report serial numbers.

A text string giving the model name of this module.

digitalInCount The total number of digital inputs on this segment.
digitalOutCount The total number of digital outputs on this segment.
analogInCount The total number of analog inputs on this segment.
analogOutCount The total number of analog outputs on this segment.
version The version of the segment.
For modules attached to a SQID node, this field is always zero.
paramCount The total number segment parameters supported by this segment.
For modules attached to a SQID node this field is always zero.
memoryCount The total number of memory bytes available on this segment.
For modules attached to a SQID node, this field is always zero.

A series of characters programmed into the node during manufacturing. For slices attached to a Slice network adaptor, this field is always zero.

See Also



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