


typedef struct {
    long      Length;
    float     Coeff[MEIXmpMAX_PostFilterSize];
    float     Data[MEIXmpMAX_PostFilterSize];
} MEIXmpPostFilter;

Required Header: xmp.h


MEIXmpPostFilter is a structure that specifies the postfilter parameters.  This is a low-level structure defined by the controller firmware. It is controller-specific and subject to change in future releases. It is strongly recommended to use the meiFilterPostfilterGet(...) and meiFilterPostfilterGetSet(...) methods to configure the postfilters.


The size of the Coeff and Data arrays.
The maximum size is MEIXmpMAX_PostFilterSize.

Coeff  An array of floats, containing the coefficients for the post-filter.
The maximum size is MEIXmpMAX_PostFilterSize.
Data  An array of floats, containing the data for the post-filter.
The maximum size is MEIXmpMAX_PostFilterSize.

See Also

mpiFilterConfigGet | mpiFilterConfigSet


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