


typedef struct {
MEIXmpLimitType Type;
void *SourceAddress;
MEIXmpLimitValue LimitValue;
long Mask;
} MEIXmpLimitCondition;

Required Header: xmp.h
Change History: Modified in the 03.04.00. LimitValue was increased to handle 64 bits.


MEIXmpLimitCondition is a structure that should only be modified by expert users.

If you are comparing 32-bit values, the 32-bit value needs to go in the first word of the 64-bit LimitValue. The firmware accesses the 32-bit value as LimitValue.g32.l for long comparison or LimitValue.g32.f for float comparison. If the comparison is using the new 64-bit comparisons (as in position limits), then the LimitValue needs to use all 64 bits. On an XMP, the low word goes in LimitValue.g64.l[0] and the high word goes in LimitValue.g64.l[1]. The opposite is valid for the ZMP. Passing the value into the Orient64 function will ensure that the 32-bit words are in the correct orientation for the controller being used.




See Also


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