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Global Trace Outputs There is a global 32-bit trace mask: the low 16 bits are the global trace output types, while the upper 16 bits are the per-object trace output types. Each object has a similar trace mask. The upper 16 bits of the global trace mask are not defined, but can be used to set the per-object output types for all objects. To enable all trace output types for all objects, set the global trace mask to all 1s (i.e., -1). The MEITrace{...} enum (declared in trace.h) specifies the global types of trace output, i.e., the types of trace output that can be produced by any object or module. The MEITrace{...} enum defines constants that you use together as a bit mask. You specify the desired trace output as a combination (logical OR) of MEITrace{...} constants. There are 16 possible types of global trace output, with 12 global trace outputs defined.
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