The recorder object is not valid. This message code is returned by a recorder method if the recorder object handle is not valid. This problem can be caused by a failed mpiRecorderCreate(...). To prevent this problem, check your recorder objects after creation by using mpiRecorderValidate(...). |
MPIRecorderMessageSTARTED |
The data recorder is already running. This message code is returned by mpiRecorderStart(...) if the data recorder has already been started. If this is a problem, call mpiRecorderStop(...) to stop the data recorder or wait for the recorder to collect the number of specified records and stop. |
MPIRecorderMessageSTOPPED |
The data recorder is not running. This message code is returned by mpiRecorderStop(...) if the data recorder has already been stopped. If this is a problem, call mpiRecorderStart(...) to start the data recorder. |
The data recorder has not been configured. This message code is returned by mpiRecorderRecordGet(...) if the data address count has not been configured. To correct this problem, configure the data recorder with mpiRecorderConfigSet(...). |
This message code is returned when a recorder number of -1 is specified and all enabled recorders have been previously reserved by mpiRecorderCreate(...) method calls. Reserved recorders are released by calling mpiRecorderDelete(...), however, it is possible for a fatal error to occur in your application in which case mpiRecorderDelete(...) may not be called. To override a reserved recorder number, explicitly specify the recorder number (i.e. a number other than -1) when calling mpiRecorderCreate(...). |
MPIRecorderMessageNOT_ENABLED |
An attempt was made to create a recorder that is not enabled on the controller. Recorder objects can be enabled on the controller by calling mpiControlConfigSet(...). |
MPIRecorderMessageRUNNING |
An attempt was made to call mpiRecorderConfigSet(...) while the recorder was running. |
This message code is returned by mpiRecorderStart(...) and mpiRecorderRecordConfig(...) when the specified recorder object has no records allocated to it. The recorder record count is configured by calling mpiControlConfigSet(...) with MPIControlConfig.recordCount[recorderNumber] set to a non-zero value. The recorder itself is enabled by setting MPIControlConfig.recorderCount. See MPIControlConfig. |
MPIRecorderMessageRESERVED |
The data recorder cannot be created because it is already in use. This message code is returned by mpiRecorderValidate(...) if the requested data recorder is already in use. To correct this problem, call mpiRecorderCreate(...) with a recorder index for a recorder that is not already in use. |
MPIRecorderMessageNOT_RESERVED |
The data recorder is not reserved. This message code is returned by meiControlRecorderCancel(...) if the requested data recorder is not already in use. To correct this problem, do not call meiControlRecorderCancel(...) with a recorder index for a recorder that is not already in use.