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MPIMotorEventConfig and Motor Limit Configuration Two fields, directionFlag and duration, are built into the MPIMotorEventConfig{} structure. From motor.h:
The directionFlag field is used to configure MPIEventTypeLIMIT_HW_NEG, MPIEventTypeLIMIT_HW_POS, MPIEventTypeLIMIT_SW_NEG, and MPIEventTypeLIMIT_SW_POS. A value of TRUE for this field will force the command direction for motion to be used by the Xmp controller to qualify these limit events. A value of FALSE for this field will cause the limit event to depend on the state of the limit. If the limit has been exceeded (actual position > software positive limit, actual position < software negative limit, positive or negative hardware overtravel is TRUE) the limit event will be based direction of commanded motion, in exactly the same way as for directionFlag = TRUE. If the limit has not been exceeded the limit event and status will be based solely on the limit input (hardware limits) or actual position (software limits), ignoring the direction of commanded motion. The default status of durationFlag is FALSE (ignore direction). The directionFlag is ignored (returned FALSE from "get" methods) for case MPIEventTypeAMP_FAULT, MPIEventTypeHOME, and MPIEventTypeLIMIT_ERROR. The duration field may used in the configuration of all MPI Motor Events. A positive value for this field will require the limit condition to exist for duration seconds before an event will occur. This field is useful in overriding noisy limit inputs. For example, an overtravel limit with infrequent short (< 1msec) noise spikes on the limit input will ignore the noise of the limit is configured with a duration of 0.05. A spike whose duration was at least 0.05 seconds (50 milliseconds) would be required before an overtravel event would occur. The default value for duration is 0.0. Return to MPIMotorEventConfig
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