


long mpiMotorDedicatedIn(MPIMotor        motor,
long startBit,
long bitCount,
unsigned long *state);
  Required Header: stdmpi.h
Change History: Added in 03.02.00. mpiMotorDedicatedIn replaced mpiMotorIoGet.


mpiMotorDedicatedIn function reads the current state of one or more dedicated input bits.

NOTE: mpiMotorDedicatedIn replaced mpiMotorIoGet in the MPI library.

motor a handle to the Motor object
startBit the first dedicated in bit that will be returned by the function.
bitCount the number of dedicated in bits that will be returned by the function.
*state the address of the current state of the inputs that is returned.
Return Values

See Also

Dedicated Motor I/O | MPIMotorDedicatedIn


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