


long mpiMotionPositionSet(MPIMotion motion,
                          double    *actual,
                          double    *command) 

Required Header: stdmpi.h


mpiMotionPositionSet sets the actual and command position values for all axes associated with a Motion (motion). The actual and command arguments each point to an array with a size equal to the number of axes associated with motion.

mpiMotionPostionSet(...) internally calls mpiAxisActualPositionSet(...) and mpiAxisCommandPositionSet(...) for the axes mapped to the motion object. If any of the Axis position set methods fail, mpiMotionPositionSet(...) will halt and return the error code from the Axis method.

Return Values

See Also

mpiMotionPositionGet | Controller Positions | mpiAxisCommandPositionSet | mpiAxisActualPositionSet


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