


long mpiMotionAxisAppend(MPIMotion  motion,
                         MPIAxis    axis) 

Required Header: stdmpi.h


mpiMotionAxisAppend appends an Axis (axis) to a Motion (motion).

When using multiple Motion Supervisors that share axes, Motion events (Done, AtVelocity) are sent to both Motion objects, no matter which Motion Supervisor commanded the motion. This occurs, because the Motion events are derived from the Motion Supervisor status, which is derived from each axis' status.

NOTE: User must call mpiMotionAction(..., MEIActionMAP) after calling mpiMotionAxisAppend(...) to complete new axis map configuration.

motion a handle to the Motion object.
axis a handle to an Axis object.
Return Values
MPIMessageHANDLE_INVALID Either motion or axis is an invalid handle.
MPIMessageUNSUPPORTED The list already contains the maximum number of elements (MEIXmpMAX_COORD_AXES).
motion and axis are on different controllers.
MPIMessageOBJECT_NOT_ENABLED axis is not an enabled axis.
MPIMessageOBJECT_ON_LIST axis is already on the list.
MPIMessageNO_MEMORY Not enough memory was available.

See Also



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