


typedef long   /* Callback prototype */
    (*MEIMotionActionFunction)(MPIMotion        motion,
                               MPIMotionType    type,
                               MEIXmpAction     xmpAction);


MEIMotionActionFunction is a function prototype definition. This is the prototype for a user defined callback function in the mpiMotionAction(...) method. If a callback function is set using meiMotionActionFunction(...), then every time the application calls mpiMotionAction(...), the callback function will be executed. Your motion action callback function must implement the exact interface of the above prototype.

Using a callback function can be useful to log details of mpiMotionAction(...) calls.

Defining a callback function will affect the execution time of the mpiMotionAction(...) method call. In order to preserve system performance, the callback function should be written to execute as fast as possible.


The motion object handle used to call mpiMotionAction() will be passed to the callback function.


The type of motion that the action was called to act upon will be passed to the callback function.


The type of action that was requested will be passed to the callback function.

See Also

mpiMotionAction | meiMotionActionFunction


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