


long meiFlashMemoryFromFile(MEIFlash      flash,
                            MEIFlashFiles *filesIn,
MEIFlashFiles *filesOut);

Required Header: stdmei.h


meiFlashMemoryFromFile reads the filenames pointed to by filesIn and copies the binary images into the controller's flash memory. The array of structures pointed to by filesOut is filled in with the names of the files that were successfully copied into the controller's flash memory. After the next power cycle or mpiControlReset(...) the controller will load the flash images into the local processor and FPGA(s).

flash a handle to a flash object
*filesIn a pointer to an array of flash filename structures to download to the controller. See MEIFlashFiles.
*filesOut a pointer to an array of flash filename structures that were successfully downloaded to the controller. See MEIFlashFiles.
Return Values

See Also

MEIFlashFiles | mpiControlReset


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