


long meiFlashDataSet(MEIFlash flash,
                     void     *dst,
                     void     *src,
                     long     count)

Required Header: stdmei.h


meiFlashDataSet sets (writes) count bytes of flash data memory (starting at address dst) using application memory (starting at address src). The dst pointer must point into the MEIXmpData{...} structure defined in xmp.h and be based on the firmware address (MEIXmpData *) returned by mpiControlMemory(...).

Your application cannot access Flash memory directly; instead your application will access the host-resident flash memory cache maintained by flash.

mpiControlMemory(...) returns an external pointer that points to the MEIXmpBufferData{...} structure. You cannot use this external pointer with the meiFlashDataSet method to access flash data memory.

Return Values

See Also

mpiControlMemory | meiFlashDataGet


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