


long mpiFilterFlashConfigGet(MPIFilter       filter,
                             void            *flash,
                             MPIFilterConfig *config,
                             void            *external)

Required Header: stdmpi.h


mpiFilterFlashConfigGet gets a Filter's (filter) flash configuration and writes it into the structure pointed to by config, and also writes it into the implementation-specific structure pointed to by external (if external is not NULL).

The Filter's flash configuration information in external is in addition to the Filter's flash configuration information in config, i.e., the flash configuration information in config and in external is not the same information. Note that config or external can be NULL (but not both NULL).


external either points to a structure of type MEIFilterConfig{} or is NULL.

filter a handle to a Filter object
*flash flash is either an MEIFlash handle or MPIHandleVOID. If flash is MPIHandleVOID, an MEIFlash object will be created and deleted internally. Using MPIHandleVOID is recommended, as it simplifies code.

If flash is a valid MEIFlash handle, then the MEIFlash object cache will be updated, but the actual write to controller flash will not occur. Use meiFlashMemoryFromFileType(...) to prompt the actual write to flash.

*config a pointer to a configuration structure for the filter object of type MPIFilterConfig.
*external a pointer to a configuration structure for the filter object of type MEIFilterConfig.
Return Values  

See Also

MEIFlash | mpiFilterFlashConfigSet | MEIFilterConfig


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