
MPIMotorEncoder / MEIMotorEncoder

Definition: MPIMotorEncoder

typedef enum {
} MPIMotorEncoder;


MPIMotorEncoder is an enumeration of encoder feedback inputs for a motor.

MPIMotorEncoderPRIMARY The first encoder feedback for a motor.
MPIMotorEncoderSECONDARY The second encoder feedback for a motor.


Definition: MEIMotorEncoder

typedef struct MEIMotorEncoder {
    MEIMotorEncoderType             type;
long encoderPhase;
/* 0 => normal, else reversed */
long filterDisable;
/* 0 => quad filter enabled,
else not enabled */
MEIMotorEncoderRatio ratio; MEIMotorEncoderModulo modulo; MEIMotorEncoderSsiConfig ssiConfig; } MEIMotorEncoder;
  Required Header: stdmei.h
Change History: Modified in the 03.04.00


MEIMotorEncoder is an enumeration of encoder feedback inputs for a motor.

For standard modulo, set modulo.value to the modulo value and set modulo.reverse to FALSE.

For reverse modulo, set modulo.value to the modulo value from the raw encoder and set modulo.reverse to TRUE.


The type of feedback being used by the motor.


Controls the direction of the encoder counts (only applicable with quadrature encoder feedback).


Enables/Disables the use of filters on the encoder signal.


Custom firmware required prior to MPI version 03.04.XX. Encoder feedback ratio for scaling.


Custom firmware required prior to MPI version 03.04.XX. Reverse modulo value for the encoder to handle rollover.


A structure to configure the motor feedback for SSI (Synchronous-Serial Interface). Only use ssiConfig when the MEIMotorEncoderType is configured for MEIMotorEncoderTypeSSI.

- If you attempt to change this value and hardware is not connected, an error message will be returned.

See Also

Error Limit and Limit Switch Errors | mpiMotorCreate | MEIMotorEncoderType


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