


typedef struct MEIDriveMapParamInfo {
    long                    parameter;
    char                    name[MEIDriveMapParamInfoMAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    MEIDriveMapParamAccess  access;
    MEIDriveMapParamType    type;
    char                    validValues[MEIDriveMapParamInfoMAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    long                    defaultValue;
    char                    help[MEIDriveParamInfoMAX_STRING_LENGTH];
} MEIDriveMapParamInfo;
  Change History: Modified in the 03.03.00


MEIDriveMapParamInfo holds a set of information describing a drive parameter. This structure is read from the drives map file "drives.dm."

parameter the number used to address this drive parameter.
name a null terminated string giving a name for this drive parameter.
access defines if this drive parameter is read-only or read-write.
type the data type for this drive parameter. (ex: signed32, unsigned32, float, etc.)
validValues a string describing the possible valid values for this drive parameter.
defaultValue The factory default value this drive parameter.
help A string describing this drive parameter.

See Also



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