


typedef struct CacheServiceStatus {
    MPI_BOOL active;
    MPI_BOOL enabled;
    long     errorCount;    
} CacheServiceStatus;
  Required Header: apputil.h
Change History: Added in 03.04.11


CacheServiceStatus is a structure that holds the status information for a CacheService object.

Member Description

Determines the state of the CacheService object’ thread.

A value of TRUE indicates that the CacheService object’s thread is running and that the Controller’s status cache is being periodically updated.

A value of FALSE indicates that the CacheService object’s thread is not running and that the Controller’s status cache is not being updated.


Determines whether the CacheService object’s thread is actively updating the Controller’s status cache. This can be set to FALSE if one of the following occur:

  • cacheServiceEnable(…) is called with enable set to FALSE.
  • The application directly calls mpiControlStatusCacheIntervalSet with a interval of zero, thus disabling the controller status cache from being updated.
  • The CacheService thread has exited due to the error threshold from being exceeded.
errorCount The current error count for the CacheService object.

See Also



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