


long meiCanFirmwareDownload(MEICan            can,
                            const  char*      filename,
                            MEICanCallback    callback);
  Required Header: stdmei.h
Change History: Modified in the 03.03.00


meiCanFirmwareDownload allows the user to upgrade the CAN controller's firmware.

This operation will take some time (between 10 and 30 seconds) to perform the download process. Therefore, the callback function is provided to allow the current status of the download operation to be reported to the calling application and to also allow the calling application to abort the download if required. The callback function passes the progress of the download process to the calling application. The calling applications normally returns a 0 unless it wants to abort the upgrade. If the upgrade is aborted, it returns a 1.

can handle to the CAN object
filename the filename of the CAN controller firmware (*.out file).
callback a pointer to the call back function. (Pass an address of zero if you do not have a callback function.)
Return Values  

See Also

meiCanFirmwareErase | meiCanFirmwareUpload


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