


MEICan meiCanCreate(MPIControl  control,
                    long        number);
  Required Header: stdmei.h
Change History: Modified in the 03.02.00


meiCanCreate creates a CAN object handle that is used subsequently to address the CAN network on this controller. You will need a valid CAN handle to use the MPI's CANOpen functionality.

control a handle to the controller object that contains the CAN object.
number the number of the CAN network on the specified controller. For most controllers with a single CAN network interface this will be zero. Network numbers are zero based.
Return Values  
handle Handle to the CAN object created or MPIHandleVOID.
MPIHandleVOID if the object could not be created

Sample Code

The following sample code shows the creation and destruction of a valid CAN handle.

MPIControl ControlHandle;
 MEICan CANHandle;
 long Result;
 /* Create, validate and initalise a handle to the controller. */
 ControlHandle = mpiControlCreate( MPIControlTypeDEFAULT, NULL );
      Result = mpiControlValidate( ControlHandle );
                           assert( Result == MPIMessageOK );
 Result = mpiControlInit( ControlHandle );
                  assert( Result == MPIMessageOK );
 /* Create and validate a handle to the CAN object. */
 CANHandle = meiCanCreate( ControlHandle, 0 );
  Result = meiCanValidate( CANHandle );
                   assert( Result == MPIMessageOK );
 /* Use the CAN object here */
 /* Delete the CAN and Controller objects */
 Result = meiCanDelete( CANHandle );
                assert( Result == MPIMessageOK );
 Result = mpiControlDelete( ControlHandle );
                    assert( Result == MPIMessageOK );

See Also

mpiCanDelete | mpiCanValidate


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