


typedef struct MEICanStatus {
    MEICanBusState    busState;
    long              transmitErrorCounter;
    long              receiveErrorCounter;
    long              messageRate;
    long              tick;
    long              softwareReceiveOverflow;
    long              hardwareReceiveOverflow;
} MEICanStatus;


MEICanStatus holds the current status of the XMP's or ZMP's CAN object.

busState The current bus state of the XMP's or ZMP's CAN interface.
transmitErrorCounter The current value of the transmit error counter.
receiveErrorCounter The current state of the receive error counter.
messageRate The number of messages received and transmitted per second.
tick This is incremented every 1ms by the CAN firmware.
softwareReceiveOverflow This bit will be set if software receive buffer has overflowed. This bit can be cleared by using the CLEAR_STATUS_BITS command.
hardwareReceiveOverflow This bit will be set if the CAN interface hardware has detected an overflow. This bit can be cleared by using the CLEAR_STATUS_BITS command.

See Also


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