
/* CircFile. */

/* Copyright(c) 1991-2006 by Motion Engineering, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * This software  contains proprietary and  confidential information  of
 * Motion Engineering Inc., and its suppliers.  Except as may be set forth
 * in the license agreement under which  this software is supplied, use,
 * disclosure, or  reproduction is prohibited without the prior express
 * written consent of Motion Engineering, Inc.

#ifndef _CIRCFILE_H_
#define _CIRCFILE_H_

#ifdef __cplusplus
    extern "C" {

typedef struct CircFile* CircFilePtr;

CircFilePtr circFileOpenForWrite(const char* name, long lineLength, long lineCount);
CircFilePtr circFileOpenForRead(const char* name);
void        circFileClose(CircFilePtr file);

long circFileLineLength(CircFilePtr file);
long circFileLineCount(CircFilePtr file);
long circFileSize(CircFilePtr file);
long circFileTell(CircFilePtr file);
long circFileTellLine(CircFilePtr file);

int circFileSeek(CircFilePtr file, long count, int seek);
int circFileSeekLine(CircFilePtr file, long lineCount, int seek);
int circFileEof(CircFilePtr file);

char* circFileGets(CircFilePtr file, char* buffer, int length);
int   circFileGetc(CircFilePtr file);

void circFileWrite(CircFilePtr file, const char* buffer);
void circFilePrint(CircFilePtr file, const char* format, ...);
void circFileWriteLine(CircFilePtr file, const char* buffer);
void circFilePrintLine(CircFilePtr file, const char* format, ...);

#ifdef __cplusplus
    }   /* extern "C" */


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