
Determining SynqNet Timing

If there is a SynqNet problem that is confusing, an MEI Applications Support engineer might ask you for your SynqNet timing figures. To easily retrieve this information, use the meiReset.exe utility and the -trace 0x100000 command line switch. The information returned can be used by the factory to track down particularly tough problems. See the example below.


C:\mei\XMP\bin\WinNT>meireset -trace 0x100000 Cable Lengths


Cable[0]: Nominal:10 Min:0 Max26
Cable[1]: Nominal:11 Min:0 Max27

Network timing statistics

Controller Frequency   : 2.000000 kHz
Controller Period      : 500.000000 uS
TxTime                 : 75 percent
Calculation Limit      : 375.000000 uS
Drive Update Frequency : 16.000000 kHz
Drive Update Period    : 62.500000 uS

SynqNet Bandwidth Used: 2 percent

Calculation Time     : 61.100000 uS
Calculation Slack    : 313.900000 uS
Demand Latency       : 21.094000 uS
Feedback Latency     : 30.916000 uS
Total Latency : 437.500000 uS
Latency Slack : 10.490000 uS

Synq Packets     : 1.440000 uS
Demand Packets   : 4.960000 uS
Control Packets  : 5.600000 uS
Test Packets     : 1.120000 uS
Total Downstream : 12.000000 uS

Feedback Packets : 6.880000 uS
Status Packets   : 4.640000 uS
Total Upstream   : 11.520000 uS

block timing values and eventMasks
-------------------------------------- (Upstream = IN port)
0x00000000 0x00000002
0x000025a9 0x00000001
0x000026ae 0x00000020
0x000026be 0x00000040
0x00002dd3 0x00000008
0x00002e67 0x00000004
0x00002edb 0x00000010
-------------------------------------- (Upstream = OUT port)
0x00000000 0x00000002
0x000025a9 0x00000001
0x000026ae 0x00000020
0x000026be 0x00000040
0x00002dd3 0x00000008
0x00002e67 0x00000004
0x00002edb 0x00000010



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