
Downloading a new VxWorks image to the CF card

Follow the steps below to download a new VxWorks image onto an eXMP-SynqNet's compact flash memory card.

  • Download physdiskwrite 0.5 from the developer’s site. http://m0n0.ch/wall/physdiskwrite.php
  • Download the physdiskwrite 0.5 zip file.
  • Extract physdiskwrite.exe to a local directory where your image is stored.
  • Open a command prompt window in the directory.
  • In order to execute the program, type physdiskwrite, followed by the image you wish to write to your flash card.
           Ex: physdiskwrite [ImageName].PCC

The following is an example of what will appear on your screen:


C:\physdiskwrite vxWorksSQ5_5_Production.PCC
physdiskwrite v0.5 by Manuel Kasper <mk@neon1.net>
Searching for physical drives...

Information for \\.\PhysicalDrive0:
Windows: cyl: 9726
tpc: 255
spt: 63
Information for \\.\PhysicalDrive1:
Windows: cyl: 15
tpc: 255
spt: 63

Information for \\.\PhysicalDrive2:
DeviceIoControl() failed on \\.\PhysicalDrive2.

The program will display all the hard drives it sees on your computer. It will then ask you which disk you want to write to and verify your choice.

PhysicalDrive0 is generally your hard drive. In the example above, this is verified by the larger number of cylinders (“cyl”) listed.

Make sure you can determine which disk you are overwriting since the program will try to overwrite your hard drive if you accidentally tell it to do so.

The following text is a list of the program prompts.


Which disk do you want to write? (0..1)

Type the Drive# you wish to overwrite. In the above example, you would overwrite/type PhysicalDrive1.

About to overwrite the contents of disk 1 with new data. Proceed? (y/n)

Type y.

64487424/64487424 bytes written in total

Download complete.

This process might take several seconds or up to a minute to complete the download. You can monitor the program’s progress on the byte counter:


#of bytes written/64487424 bytes written in total



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