
Quick Start Guide
XMP-SynqNet Controller

Microsoft Visual C/C++

This section is an overview of running an executable C-program via Microsoft Visual C/C++. If you are not currently running MS VIsual C/C++, this section will not apply. Even though the XMP can be controlled by a C-program written on many different platforms, this section only covers MS Visual C/C++.

  1. Open Visual C/C++ Version 6 or higher.

  2. Go to File > Open Workspace. Browse for app.dsw.

    Default location: C:\MEI\XMP\APP\WinNT\MSVC.

  3. The file type should be set to display Makefile [.mak] and upon doing so, the app.mak file appears. Open app.dsw. If you are asked whether the project should be converted to the verson of Visual C/C++ you are running, click Yes.

  4. Change to File View and select quickStart1 files.

  5. Right click on the quickStart1 files and "Set as Active Project."
    (This should set the quickStart1 files in bold.)

  6. Click on quickStart1.c in the "Source Files" sub directory. Go to the Build menu and select Build quickStart1.exe.

  7. Make sure that there are no errors or warnings in the dialog box.

  8. Click the execute button and the program will now be carried out. At any time you can stop the motion by hitting any key.

  9. Open Motion Scope and you can view certain parameters by selecting the Trace button and adding the parameters you want to graph.

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