
Connect to Digital Quadrature Encoders

Encoder Wiring

Connect to Differential Encoders

Connect to differential encoders (digital).


Connect to Single-ended Encoders


To connect the RMB's differential line receivers to single-ended encoders, you must add a pair of resistors (R1, R2) in the configuration shown, to bias the negative end to the middle of the encoder's output voltage range.

Connect to single-ended encoders (digital).

Broken Wire and Illegal State Detection
The encoder inputs (channel A+, A-, B+, B-) are monitored by the FPGA (an on-board logic component). The encoder inputs are sampled at 25MHz. By default, a digital filter is applied to each encoder input. This digital filter requires that an encoder input (channel A+, A-, B+, B-) be stable for 4 clock cycles (160 nanoseconds) before a transition is recognized, i.e., encoder input states lasting less than 4 clock cycles are filtered out. This means that the absolute maximum encoder rate is 12.5 million counts/sec with digital filtering enabled.


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